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fish and chips什么意思

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fish and chips是什么意思

fish and chips 英文发音:[ˌfɪʃ ən ˈtʃɪps]中文释义:炸鱼加土豆条;炸鱼薯条 例句:I had fish and chips in a cafe 我在一...


fish and chips 英文发音:[ˌfɪʃ ən ˈtʃɪps]中文释义:炸鱼加土豆条;炸鱼薯条 例句:I had fish and chips in a cafe 我在一...

fish and chips什么意思

fish and chips n.炸鱼,加炸土豆片;例句:1.Continuing along, you'll pass through lorne and apollo bay, two seaside towns thatare pit stops for fish and ch...

fish and chips的英文来源 要全英文啊= = 不要自动

美国传统词典[双解]fish and chips fish and chips pl.n.(复数名词)Fried fillets of fish and French-fried potatoes.炸鱼加炸土豆条:炸鱼片和法式炸土豆条


她晚餐吃了什么?她吃了炸鱼 fish and chips n.炸鱼,加炸土豆片;[网络]炸鱼和薯条;炸鱼;炸鱼和土豆片;---如有帮助请采纳,如需帮助可追问,谢谢。

fish and chips什么意思

fish and chips是从英国传播于全球的,英国该行业有一个公会:National Federation of Fish Fries(全国炸鱼联合会),实际上,该食品就是炸土豆条及炸鱼,这两种...

Fish and chips is real English food中为什么用is

Fish and chips: 炸鱼 因为这里的"Fish and chips "表示的是种类,而不是数量,所以要选择用is.对啊,就是一个复合名词,所以翻译成"炸鱼"呀..^_^

fish and chips怎么读

fish and chips的读法是:/fɪʃ ənd tʃɪps/。一、释义 炸鱼和薯条。二、例句 1.So there y...

fish and chips is a popular food 此句中为什么用i

fish and chips是一种食物的名称,意思是:炸鱼加炸土豆片。所以后面只能用is 还有很多名词是以S结尾的,但不是复数形式,比如说:news新闻,maths 数学,physics ...


炸鱼薯条英文:fish and chips。炸鱼薯条源自英国,是将去了鱼刺和骨头的鱼,切成片后裹上湿面团,然后油炸,同时也...

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